Murder, Manslaughter, Homicide FAQs
Today there are sex crimes charged in both state and federal court and all involve serious consequences. Charges involving criminal sexual conduct are among the most serious in criminal law and automatically stressful... …
Sex Trafficking
Both Minnesota state law and federal law prohibit sex trafficking. In Minnesota, sex trafficking is a felony and a conviction for it requires predatory registration as a sex offender... …
Criminal Sexual Conduct FAQ
Today there are sex crimes charged in both state and federal court and all involve serious consequences. Charges involving criminal sexual conduct are among the most serious in criminal law and automatically stressful... …
Tax Evasion
Raise your hand if you like paying taxes. Nobody! Nobody likes paying taxes, but the law requires it. If you don’t pay your taxes... …
Drug Offenses
Normally one would think that in order to be charged with a crime, a completed offense must occur. But that is not true. You don’t have to actually commit the crime to be found guilty of an offense. You can be charged …