Civil Commitment: Mentally Ill & Dangerous: Indefinite Detention of Sex Offenders
Civil Commitment is a way for the State to force someone into mental health or chemical dependency treatment, sometimes in a “secure” (locked) facility for forced medication, or under Court supervision in the community with conditions to continue treatment. …
Help! I Got Caught With A Gun!
Gun charges most commonly prohibit the possession of firearms or ammunition by ineligible persons, the possession of guns and drugs together, the possession of certain firearms accessories, or the possession of firearms without certain permits. …
Domestic Assault
Domestic Assault is when the alleged victim of the assault is a member of the offender’s household, family, or with whom the offender has or has had a significant sexual relationship. …
The word homicide is used to describe any death of a person at the hands of another, whether intentionally, or unintentionally. …
What is Title IX (Title 9) Sexual Harassment Complaint
Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education activities, programs, and employment. …